How does speeding affect my driver rating?
There are two parts to the speed rating: the safe speed of the road, and speed limits. Obeying the speed limit is obvious – due to your driver rating and the legal implications. Safe speed is about ju...
Last updated: 22/06/2024
What happens if I speed above the legal limit?
Speeding is dangerous and legal limits should be observed at all times. Speeding is a key component of your driver rating and if you speed this will affect your overall rating. Aim to allow plenty of ...
Last updated: 22/06/2024
How does using my smartphone whilst driving affect my driver rating?
If you receive or make a call on hands-free or interact with the screen (whether you're driving or a passenger) this will affect your rating. Phones can be distracting, so if you think you're going to...
Last updated: 22/06/2024
Can I use my smartphone while driving if I'm not moving?
If your vehicle is stationary and your engine is still running, or in 'start-stop' mode, then you should not be using your phone. Before taking any calls you should park your car and switch off the en...
Last updated: 16/10/2024
Does using my smartphone "hands-free" affect my driver rating?
Yes, there are three levels of Distracted Driving considered in your trip rating. Hands-free calls are considered the least risky, but will still count negatively towards your driver rating....
Last updated: 22/06/2024